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    • Navigation Automagic
    Navigation Automagic

    While there are many great gatsby-starters out there for documentation, we decided to build our own from scratch because we needed to satisfy a number of requirements unique to decentralized projects, which include: handling multiple languages easily and making it as easy as possible for content contributors to write and adapt the site as they see fit without requiring them to learn React.

    Our philosophy is "content creators write the website", which means that we have put a lot of thought and effort into how navigation, translations and 404 pages work and how non-developers can control all these things using nothing more than mdx.

    The Sidenav

    Each top level section (Start, Learn, Resources, etc) has it's own directory displayed in the form of a vertical sidenav. This sidenav has very specific features:

    1. Auto-magically generated links based on existing file structure of top level section
    2. Recursively intelligent
    3. Support for multiple languages
    4. Default locale ("en") fills in the gaps for missing pages when on a different locale page

    To do this, we leverage Gatsby's file-source querying with a graphql regex filter to get every single page in the entire content folder (this sounds expensive, but it's only run once in the form of a static query during build time). We then pull in the edges and convert that data into something usable in the form of a sidenav.

    We get: uglified data in one array.

    We need: an array of objects that can contain recursive layer of children
    (i.e. the sidenav needs to look exactly like the file structure).

    We used parts of the hasura/gastsby-gitbook-starter as a reference for how to logically put this together.

    To keep it short, there's a file called

    that exports a method that converts the MDX edge data into
    {title, slug, rawSlug}
    (rawSlug being the file path without it's locale) and only returns elements for the locale specified and our currentTopSection (Start, Learn, Resources, etc.). We convert this into sidenav objects for our default locale and our current locale (if our current locale is the same as the default we don't make objects for it). Then we merge overlap the locale files over the default locale files.

    After we've gotten our

    we reduce them using some of the sidenav example from the hasura starter to generate an object
    that contain more items (tl;dr: our sidenav in object/array form).

    Our Tree component then takes that data, and renders our

    component by mapping through all of the elements.

    Importantly, content creators can specify an

    in the frontmatter of their files which is taken into account by the algorithm in
    and will determine the order in which links to different pages appear in the sidenav (otherwise this would happen alphabetically, which is not ideal). The "order" number can range from -infinity -> infinity, and pages will be ordered relative to their siblings based on these simple rules:

    1. If order exists in a file it will always be above files without order.
    2. The lower the order number, the higher it is in the list. 0 -> 10 is Top -> Bottom
    3. If relative files have the same order (i.e. human error) then they will be sorted alphabetically according to their Title.
    4. Files without order are sorted in alphabetical order of their title (Title rule applies, localeCompare is used for non english characters).

    Breadcrumbs are very simple. They are aware of their location in the app, so we run a query to get all the MDX, and then break down the data blob based on our current route to produce an array of objects to be rendered.

    You would think that we could just utilize the route/uri and convert those, however this solution doesn't cover every edge case. Based on our specs, the expectation is that the Breadcrumb labels will match the title (keeping to the Title Rule). So we HAVE to pull down their path, frontmatter, and headings to generate the title and url for the label.

    It will look something like this: Home / Learn / Bounties / ... / ... / ... / ... / Page we're on

    Note: If we're more than 3 levels deep in directories then our specs showed that we need to display ellipsis in place of their full title. They are still clickable links though.


    Following the philosophy of "content creators write the website" means we should allow them to write 404 pages as well. Yes, from a developer standpoint this sounds outlandish, but because our content (specifically our translations) are all encapsulated in the content folder it should stay that way (instead of having translators bounce into code to fix the 404 page).

    The solution is to have one 404.js page live in the

    directory, which performs a static query to pull down all
    pages at the top level of a locale folder, i.e. content/locale(en)/404.mdx. Similarly to
    files we then render the body of the current locale mdx content.

    If no 404 exists for the current locale we default to en. If no en 404 exists, we use an inline developer 404 page.

    Kernel Engineering